리튬 이온 배터리의 수명에 영향을 미치는 요인은 무엇입니까? Posted by batterymanufactory.com
1. The ratio of positive and negative materials for lithium-ion batteries should be reasonable . Since the active materials of the positive and negative electrodes are fixed on the substrate by the binder, the long-term stability of the binder and the good mechanical properties of the battery can delay the decline of the battery life, so to improved the positive electrode material's chemical stability and thermal stability is one of the feasible methods to maintain battery life. 2. Choose a suitable electrolyte . Because the electrolyte contains active hydrogen substances and metal ion impurities such as iron, sodium, aluminum, and nickel, and the impurity-containing electrolyte directly affects the cycle times of the battery, the electrolyte has an important impact on the cycle life of lithium-ion batteries . Choosing the right electrolyte can also improve the cycle life of the li-ion battery. 3. Set reasonable conditions and scope of use . In the use of lithium-ion bat...