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리튬 배터리의 CB 인증은 무엇입니까? Posted by batterymanufactory.com

What is the CB Scheme?

The IEC System for Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) Certification Body (CB) Scheme is the world’s first international system for the mutual acceptance of product safety test reports and certificates for electrical and electronic equipment, devices and components. Based on the use of internationally-accepted product safety standards, the CB Scheme relies on a global network of CB testing laboratories (CBTLs), who are responsible for testing products to applicable technical standards. Product test results are then submitted to national certification bodies (NCBs) in CB Scheme member countries, who can authorise legal access to CBTL-tested products without additional testing.

The CB Scheme is an international program for exchange and acceptance of product safety test results among participating laboratories and certification organizations around the world. The CB Scheme offers manufacturers a simplified way of obtaining multiple national safety certifications for their products.

리튬 배터리 CB 인증

What are the benefits of the CB Certification Scheme?

Presently, there are more than 50 CB Scheme member countries around the world, including European Union (EU) Member States, the U.S., China, India, Korea and Russia. Manufacturers using the CB Scheme can potentially gain access to every CB Scheme member country without the need for expensive, duplicate testing. Further, CB Scheme applicants are often given priority consideration by NCBs since no additional testing is required.

What products are covered under the CB Scheme?

Batteries, cables and cords, capacitors as components, medical equipment, household appliances, installation accessories and connection devices, switches for appliances, automatic controls for electrical household appliances, IT and office equipment, lighting, low voltage and high power switching equipment, portable tools, safety transformers and similar equipment.

How are national differences handled?

Compliance with national differences may be evaluated either by the NCB issuing the CB Test Certificate and CB Test Report, or by the NCB to whom the CB Test Certificate and CB Test Report are presented for recognition and acceptance. However, it may further reduce costs, completion time, sample requirements, and project complexity by having all appropriate national differences evaluated by the NCB who issues the CB Test Certificate and CB Test Report.

How can I apply for CB Scheme certification?

A manufacturer can apply to any NCB for either a CB Test Certificate or for certification based on an existing CB Test Certificate. The NCB will provide details on fees, samples, documents, and certification procedures applicable in the country of the NCB.

Benzo Energy can help customers to apply the CB Certification. Each test takes 4-6 weeks after then you will get an official IEC 62133 test report and CB Certificate published by the third-party testing house (TUV).
Posted in 자주 묻는 질문 | 중국 리튬 폴리머 배터리 제조 업체, 리튬 이온 배터리, RC 사러 배터리 팩, 한 LiFePO4 배터리 팩 By



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