리튬 이온 배터리 및 리튬 폴리머 배터리의 방전율 및 충전율은 어떻게됩니까? Posted by batterymanufactory.com

and charge rate for lithium battery is the multiple between the current
and the capacity, its unit is C. for example, if the lithium ion
battery has a capacity of 800mAh, and its discharging current is 1600mA,
then its discharge rate is 2 C rate, if its charging current is 800Ma,
then its charging rate is 1 C, normal lithium ion battery
and Li polymer battery can work with 1C charging and 2C discharging.
Benzo high rate lipo battery can work with at most 60C discharge, our
High rate battery can have worldwide advanced 10C charging rate. the
indication of being fully charged.
Posted in 자주 묻는 질문 | 중국 리튬 폴리머 배터리 제조 업체, 리튬 이온 배터리, RC 사러 배터리 팩, 한 LiFePO4 배터리 팩
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사무실 주소: 廣東省深圳市龍崗區阪田和成世紀名園
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사이트: bz-battery.en.alibaba.com / www.bz-battery.com
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